Thursday, June 11, 2009

All in all, a pretty good day

No river trip today, not a real one anyway. Fun was had tho. Got up early and had coffee, tackled some crosswords, read a little, then headed out to St. John's for breakfast at Proper Eats (yummy!!! i recommend the tempeh reuben, or any scramble, also the kombucha smoothie!). On the way back to town we stopped down at the old Pirate Ship yard and enjoyed the mugginess of the day. Then at home I finally took down the job that was the back yard. It was getting hard to make it to the house from the gate. Also got all the weeds out of the back garden bed. Made some late lunch/early dinner at home and now i'm unsure about what's next. it's that time of day where i should go out or not got out... i only have $5, so i'm opting for not go out, but it gets lonely here by myself at this time of day. the sun's about to go down, the air is amazing the sky is beautiful and I can't stop thinking about how I wish I was sharing everything. I mean, don't get me wrong, Bjorn was great company today, but this is the time of day i want to snuggle on the porch or in the grass with a special someone, Bjorn's just not cuttin it in that department. I guess time will figure this out for me, just like it figures most things out. Positive forward progress and all that... All in all, a pretty good day


Vanjarama Split said...

You and I. Tuesday. Farm.

lost teeth said...

im coming over for grass snuggling.

ubiquitous said...

I have a nice patch of grass in my front yard left. I saved it just for grass snuggling by the garden